Minggu, 13 November 2011

Foto-foto pemenang World Press Photo 2011

Foto-foto pemenang World Press Photo 2011

World Press Photo (WPP) adalah organisasi non profit yang independen, didirikan pada tahun 1955 di Belanda dengan kantor pusat operasionalnya di Amsterdam.
Setiap tahun, WPP menyelenggarakan lomba foto jurnalistik yang dianggap terbesar dan paling bergengsi di dunia. Karya-karya foto yang menjadi pemenang dipamerkan keliling dunia, yang dikunjungi jutaan penonton di 35 negara setiap tahun. Karya-karya pemenang juga dimasukkan ke dalam Buku Tahunan World Press Photo yang diterbitkan setiap tahun dalam 6 bahasa. Buku tersebut berfungsi sebagai katalog pameran sekaligus dokumentasi.World Press Photo juga menerbitkan newsletter setiap 6 bulan yang memuat isu-isu terakhir yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan organisasi ini.
Sepanjang sejarah World Press Photo sejak tahun 1955, sudah 3 orang Indonesia yang menjadi salah satu pemenang.
1.Tahun 1995, foto Sholihuddin, wartawan Jawa Pos, bercerita tentang sebuah truk militer yang mengangkut lebih dari 100 orang pemuda, terbalik di Surabaya Jawa Timur. Foto Sholihuddin meraih 1st Prize untuk kategori Spot News.
2. Tahun 2003, Tarmizy Harva, Fotografer Reuters base di Aceh, dengan fotonya tentang korban konflik di Aceh meraih Honarable mention utk kategori Spot News.
3. Tahun 2011, Kemal Jufri berhasil masuk sebagai salah satu pemenang kategori People in the News – Stories
Pemenang World Press Photo tahun 2011 baru saja diumumkan. Yuk kita intip foto-foto yang berhasil masuk dalam deretan pemenang lomba fotografi jurnalistik paling bergengsi ini.
Spoiler for Photo of the Year 2011:
Jodi Bieber, a South African photographer for Time magazine, won with this picture of Bibi Aisha, an 18-year-old woman from Oruzgan province in Afghanistan. Aisha’s story began when she fled back to her family after complaining of violent treatment from her husband. The Taliban arrived one night demanding that she face justice and Aisha’s brother-in-law held her down while her husband sliced off her ears and then cut off her nose. Aisha was abandoned, but later rescued by aid workers and the US military. After time in a women’s refuge in Kabul, she was taken to the US, where she now lives. Jury chair David Burnett said about the photo: ‘This could become one of those pictures – and we have maybe just 10 in our lifetime – where if somebody says “you know, that picture of a girl” you know exactly which one they’re talking about’
Spoiler for 1st prize stories – General News:

Olivier Laban-Mattei/AFP
arthquake aftermath, Port-au-Prince, 15-26 January 2010
Spoiler for 1st prize singles Spot News:
Péter Lakatos, Hungary, MTI.
Suicide jump, Budapest, Hungary, 22 May 2010
Spoiler for Daily Life singles, 1st prize:
Omar Feisal, Somalia, Reuters
A man carrying a shark through the streets of Mogadishu, Somalia, 23 September 2010
Spoiler for Daily Life singles, third prize:
Andrew Biraj, Reuters
An overcrowded train approaching a station in Dhaka, 16 November 2010
Spoiler for General News singles, 1st prize:
Riccardo Venturi, Italy, Contrasto
Old Iron Market burning in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, on 18 January 2010
Spoiler for General News singles, 2nd prize:
Guang Niu, China, for Getty Images
Tibetan monks prepare mass cremation for earthquake victims, Qinghai Province, China, 17 April 2010
Spoiler for General News singles, 3rd prize:
sJavier Manzano, USA
Mexico’s drug wars: severed head of a murder victim, Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, 6 February 2010
Spoiler for Arts and Entertainment, 1st prize singles:
Andrew McConnell, Ireland, Panos Pictures for Der Spiegel
Josephine Mpongo practices the cello, Kinshasa, DR Congo
Spoiler for Sport Single, 1st prize:
Mike Hutchings, South Africa, Reuters
Netherlands’ Demy de Zeeuw being kicked in the face by Uruguay’s Martin Ceceres during their World Cup semifinal soccer match in Cape Town, South Africa, July 6, 2010
Spoiler for Sports singles, 2nd prize:
Gustavo Cuevas, Spain, EFE
Matador Julio Aparicio is wounded by the bull, Madrid, 21 May 2010
Spoiler for Nature, 2nd prize:

Stefano Unterthiner, Italy, for National Geographic magazine
Whooper Swan
Spoiler for People in the News, 1st prize:
Altaf Qadri, India, Associated Press
Funeral of Feroz Ahmad, Palhalan, Pattan, Indian-administered Kashmir, 6 September 2010
Spoiler for People in the News, 2nd prize:
Seamus Murphy, Ireland, VII Photo Agency
Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, London, 30 September 2010
Spoiler for People In The News Stories, 1st prize:

Daniel Berehulak, Australia, Getty Images
Pakistan floods, August-September 2010
Spoiler for Nature singles, 1st prize:
Thomas P. Peschak, Germany, Save Our Seas Foundation
Cape Gannet comes to land, Malgas Island, South Africa

Agan2 Sekalian, ini dari Indonesia
Spoiler for Kemal Jufri,Indonesia,Polaris:People in the News 2nd prize stories:

Kemal Jufri, Indonesia, Polaris
Eruption of Mount Merapi, Central Java, Indonesia, November 2010
Semoga agan2 sekalian suka dengan foto-fotonya
Foto-foto pemenang World Press Photo 2011
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